Stop Whining and Get to Work!

Whenever I push back on political negativity of the “Biden’s too old and can’t win!” and “I’m so scared Trump is going to win!”, I’m asked “But what can we do?”

Here are a few suggestions:

  1. Follow the White House, President Biden and Vice President Harris, among others, on social media to stay on top of what they are doing, the issues and policies they explain, and the accomplishments they regularly tout;
  2. Share information with your friends, family, co-workers and acquaintances about the positive things the Biden-Harris administration is doing;
  3. Contact your local Democratic Party headquarters, NAACP, Urban League, League of Women Voters or other progressive political organization or non-profit civil rights rights organization to volunteer to help get out the vote;
  4. Stop talking up Nikki Haley and don’t even consider voting for her in the primary;
  5. If anyone tells you they are thinking of voting for Nikki Haley in the primary or, God forbid, the general, because she’s supposedly “more moderate” than Trump and they can “live with her,” explain to them that she is NOT more moderate the Trump and, in fact is probably MORE dangerous because her policies are indistinguishable from his, but she dresses them up in pretty colors and a soft voice, which will fool a lot of people who finally got around to seeing through Trump;
  6. Remember that the only difference between a Nikki Haley presidency and a Trump presidency will be fewer mean tweets. Everything else – Court appointments, racist policies (slavery? racism? What’s that?) anti-woman agenda (she’s promised to sign a nationwide ban on abortion), the implementation of Project 2025, draconian economic policies that favor the wealthy and stomp all over the middle class, working class, and poor, etc. – will be indistinguishable from Trump;
  7. Stop the handwringing and doomsaying. There is a time for venting and catharsis and a time for squaring our shoulders and getting to work. We are past the time for fretting. It’s time to get to work;
  8. Stop publicly criticizing Biden and Harris, online and elsewhere. We know they’re not perfect and don’t need to be told that over and over, especially when that gets in the way of the work that must be done. Keep in mind that there are plenty of people reading what you write and hearing what you say who are absorbing, internalizing and repeating the negative and often false information being disseminated about Biden and Harris. There are also, no doubt, some infiltrators who are gathering such comments to weaponize against Biden and his campaign. Please don’t contribute to that;
  9. When someone you know criticizes Biden or Harris, tells you Biden’s too old or Harris doesn’t smile enough (or smiles too much) or somesuch, wishes someone else will run, or threatens not to vote or vote third party, instead of rushing to social media to tell the rest of us what they said and why that’s a problem (we already know), take the time to share with them facts about the Biden/Harris record, explain the stakes we are facing, and help them understand that this election is a binary choice and how important their vote is.

Those are just a few of the ways you can help.

But complaining and worrying are toxic, spread poison into the political waters, and doesn’t do any good for anyone. Venting this way in these spaces simply spreads doubt and undermines the work that needs to be done.

We know you’re scared. We’re all scared (or should be). But the only way to fight this fear in politics is to get out here and do the work. Giving in to it (and, after a point, venting without work IS giving in to it) will only make it more likely those fears will become a reality.

Please be a part of the solution.

We got this!

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