New Bottle, Same Old Wine

Please don’t get too upset that an insurrectionist, anti-woman, anti-choice, anti-LGBTQ right wing extremist has just been elected Speaker of the House.

The House Republican Caucus and the Republican Party have long been controlled by insurrectionist, anti-woman, anti-choice, anti-LGBTQ right wing extremists.

And Kevin McCarthy, whom some people mistakenly believe is a moderate (there ARE no moderate Republicans in the House), held the Speaker title and position, but in reality, he was completely under their control. Every move he made was dictated by or an attempt to cater to the extremist Republicans who were handed power and now dominate the party.

So, the fact that the new Speaker is an open extremist doesn’t really change anything substantively. The Republican agenda is the same, they still have the same numbers in the House, and they will still continue to do the same things they have been doing all along.

The election of this Speaker will simply make it clearer to the public what and who the Republican Party is now that they can’t hide behind a MINO (“Moderate In Name Only) Speaker.Too many people voting Republican in the belief that “they’re not all bad,” is what got us here.

Maybe now that the figurehead of the party accurately reflects who the Republicans truly are, people will step away from the notion that there is any hope for the Republican Party and understand that the ONLY way to save this country is to VOTE BLUE up and down the ballot.

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